If an emergency strikes while your child is in school...
- Stay off the telephone! Communicating with the school via telephone after a disaster will prove difficult, if not impossible. If possible, we will make an all call to alert parents of the status of current situation.
- Tune in to local stations including radio stations KNX (AM1070) and KABC (AM790). Emergency information and updates related to schools will appear as soon as possible, on cable, Glendale Schools Education Channel (Channel 15) and City of Glendale Public Channel (Channel 6). The district will make every attempt to communicate accurate information to the media but cannot guarantee the accuracy of what goes on the air. If possible, the district will also post information and updates on the school district’s website and social media channels.
- After an emergency, students will be escorted to an emergency assembly area on the upper grass field. Faculty and staff will then begin the lengthy task of taking roll and accounting for all students, volunteers, faculty, and staff.
- We recommend walking to school to come and get your child(ren), if you are able. Traffic and parking will prove challenging. During an emergency, the traffic on Arlington will be limited to one-way and heading east.
- When arriving at school to pick up your child, come to the blue Request and Reunion gates on Paloma. Staff will allow ten parents at a time to come through the request gate to begin filling out request forms and showing identification. All parents and caregivers must present identification; no students will be released to unidentifiable adults. (During a disaster, if the Paloma gates are compromised, an alternate gate will be chosen, and if possible, signs posted to inform parents of the change.
- If it is necessary for students to evacuate school due to an emergency, school staff will follow an orderly plan to make sure that each child is released at a specified location to a parent, relative, or other person designated by the parent on the emergency card. All parents and caregivers must present identification; no students will be released to unidentifiable adults.
- In case parent(s) are unable to pick up the child(ren) for a long time following the emergency, it is important for parents to know that students will remain at Fremont School or be housed at a central location under the careful supervision of the school staff until their arrival. Names of the transported students will be posted.
- Impress upon your child(ren) the need for them to follow directions of any school personnel. Throughout the year we will be having emergency drills to further prepare and assure the children. Thank you for helping us to keep your children safe.
Student Information Cards
Student Information Cards for every student are kept on file in the school office to be used to locate parents in case of an emergency.
A new card must be completed each fall so that the information is current.
In addition, for your child's safety, please notify the school of any change of address, home, mobile and work telephone numbers that occur during the year. Accurate information on the card is needed so that a teacher, principal, nurse or other school employee can notify without delay a parent or other designated responsible adult in case a child becomes ill or is injured at school.
If a major fire, earthquake or other disaster should occur during school hours, children will be kept at school in a safe area until an authorized adult comes to pick them up.