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Attendance & Tardies

Attendance & Tardy Policy

Attendance Policy

Student attendance is to be regular and punctual. It is the responsibility of all students to make up class work missed during an absence.

Please call the school office when your child is absent or send a note with your child when he/she returns, giving the date and reason for each absence from school.

Children who have been sick with a communicable disease or surgery, or are wearing a cast or a splint, must report to the health office upon return with a note from a doctor stating restrictions.


Tardy Policy

Punctuality is a habit that we strive to develop in our students. If a child develops this habit early in life, he/she is more likely to be a punctual adult. Students arriving at school on time not only receive the maximum amount of instruction, but are also more likely to start their day feeling relaxed and ready to learn.

Frequent tardies rob your child of instructional time. Students arriving late to school often feel anxious and as if they are trying to "catch up" all day long.

We need your help in developing responsible students. School and home must work together to instill punctual habits. In order to do this, we will be enforcing the following Tardy Policy:

  1. Students with perfect attendance and who arrive at school on time will be recognized monthly at our Flag Ceremony during the Spirit Assembly.
  2. A parent conference will be held for students in grades K-3 who receive 10 or more tardies. A plan to develop punctual habits will be developed.
  3. Students in grades 4-6 who receive 10 or more tardies will be assigned to Saturday School.

Promptness is extremely important and valued at Fremont Elementary School. Parent cooperation and help in this matter are greatly appreciated!