The Fremont Bully Prevention Coordinating Committee (BPCC) is a GUSD-supported implementation and oversight committee with the purpose of creating and maintaining the Olweus Bully Prevention Program. The program uses a holistic approach to work together with administration, staff, students, parents and community to create a culture that does not accept bullying behavior. The committee is trained in the Olweus method and is responsible for planning, communicating and coordinating the program’s implementation in the entire school setting. This includes surveying students annually, organizing training, reviewing supervisory systems, providing classroom meetings, implementing programs and organizing events such as the “I Care” kick-off. The BPCC’s goal is to create a community environment through training, classroom lessons, discipline systems and programs that promote the Fremont “I Care” campaign.
It takes a community!
Parents are an important part of the program. Get involved. The BPCC needs a committee co-chairman, committee members, sub-committee members and volunteers!
Why at Fremont?
While Fremont places a high importance on helping develop strong character and ethics in our children, bullying behavior is a nationwide problem. Fortunately, Fremont’s administration, teachers and parents are invested in creating an environment where students are clear on what defines bullying behavior and, furthermore, help to empower all students to prevent it. Bullying is a behavior and should not be used as a label. It is common for many students to try bullying behavior “on for size” at the elementary school level. The administration at Fremont asked to be part of the district Olweus program to proactively create a consistent message that this behavior is not acceptable. We believe that learning this at an elementary level will give them strong tools to take with them to junior high, high school and beyond.
BPCC Philosophy
Bullying behavior affects all students and adults in the school. The BPCC is working to change the school climate at all levels: student, parent, administration, teacher and community. Our goal is to create an environment where bullying behavior is not accepted and it is "cool" to stick up for yourself and your friends if bullying behavior is noticed. It empowers bystanders and targets by giving them tools to stop the behavior and promote kindness.
Who is Dr. Olweus?
The Olweus method is based on 35 years of research and has been implemented throughout the world. Dr. Dan Olweus (Ol-VAY-us) of Norway is acknowledged as the leading authority on bullying and victimization and is regarded as the "founding father" of the field. His method is recognized by the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence as one of only 11 Blueprints Model programs and by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration as a Model Program - two of the highest honors a prevention program can attain.
Programs Created by the BPCC
Part of the mission of the BPCC is to make sure all students feel comfortable and safe during recess, which can be a common time/location for bullying behavior. We realize not all students are interested in traditional athletic games, so we have created adult-supervised options where they can hang out, make friends and enjoy their free time. Click on the links in the left menu to learn about Striders!, the Book & Game Club, and the I CARE Reps program.